Monday, February 4, 2013

closet woes.

seriously the last thing i wanted to do this morning was get out of bed, i don't know about you but the super bowl kept me up well past my bedtime.

the football was decent, the food great and well beyonce was lacking. i felt like all she did was run around the stage dancing... it was more of a dance performance than a concert but hey who i am to judge i can't sing AT ALL.

on other fronts... do you ever have the same thing on your "to do" list every day for a month and still haven't tackled it? that is my closet (well my side of the closet anyway...matt's side is perfectly organized) it has been begging me to address the chaos but t can't bring myself to do it.  i know i really need to pull everything out and put it back together in order to do it right but that sounds overwhelming. so now a month later it remains untouched...

to inspire myself, here are a few of my favorite closets.... heaven


i am thinking... 1) i need a closet with white built-ins 2) two rods to hang clothes is a must and doubles the amount of clothes you can hang  3) drawers would be a huge bonus!

in our next house (hopefully coming in summer 2013) matt will be building me a dream closet, that is a given. until then, a little time and effort in organizing our current closet would go along way.

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