Monday, September 24, 2012

welcome to paradise.

happy monday! we have been enjoying the past weekend and actually not doing one thing around the house, barely cleaning and doing only ocassional laundry. it is awesome...
there is nothing better than enjoying a nice little saturday in the "country" drinking wine with friends. and when i say drinking wine, i mean, consuming a ridiculous amount of wine and stopping on the way home to wash all the wine down with more cocktails. i was a happy girl.
{author edit: the hubby would like me to note, that he was my designated drive and that i was not driving around the country to virginia drinking. be safe have a responsible designated driver.}
i think this sums it up perfectly.

and in my happy state, i proceeded to purchase two photos from my fav winery one of which will be going above our bar and the second will be making a trip to alabama for my parents bar. at least i was shopping for others too : )


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