Tuesday, November 15, 2011

giving thanks.

                              Source: google.com via Kristin on Pinterest

with thanksgiving only 9 days away, it is amazing to me how fast 2011 flew by. maybe it was the wedding planning, the jam packed summer we had or just being lucky enough to be surround by so many wonderful friends and family.  it is hard during the holidays not to get all caught up in the commercial hype of it all, and forget what it is all about. so before i enter a whirl wind of baking, cooking, drinking and relaxing next week i want to take a moment to share with everyone the things i am thankful for in my life.

things to be thankful for in 2011

spending time with family: i was lucky enough to spend more time with my family in 2011 then in 2010. thanks to my mom's surprise birthday weekend in sedona, hosting guests here and filling my november with two road trips up and down the east coast! matt and i are so lucky to live so close to his family and see them often. there is comfort in knowing we have a support system just a few blocks away.

an amazing fiance: i feel like this is a given, i wouldn't marry him if he wasn't amazing but this year he has been truly the best fiance in the world.  from supporting me with this crazy blog, helping me complete all those projects around our place i dream up and telling me when i am completely off my rocker. we have known each other going on eight years, dated for the majority of those and in 2012 we will be married.

a job: with the unemployment rate continue to increase, my heart goes out to all those parents struggling to support a family after loosing a job. i am not only lucky enough to have graduated and found a job shortly after taking a risk and moving to dc without one, but i found one i love, that challenges me and supports my professional growth.

the couture life: when i first created this blog, i didn't know what i would write, how it would evolve or even if i would completely lose interest after a month. i took a chance, thinking maybe i had something to share and even a bigger chance to think that maybe people wanted to listen.  7 months later, i get more comments and positive feedback from family, friends and complete strangers than i ever imagined.  this little blog, has given me more opportunities and happiness in its short life then a girl could ever dream of. i am so excited to see how it will continue to evolve has i go through life. but if nothing else it has provided me with an outlet to share some of the things i love with the world, and nothing gets better than that.
                                   Source: eighteen25.blogspot.com via Michelle on Pinterest

before you get swept up in thanksgiving and then all the wonderful holidays that follow, take a second and reflect on what you are thankful for this holiday season, big or small.


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